About the treatment

ETT- therapy: a technique of re-establishing correct muscle movement and function.

Motor neurons generate electric impulses to move muscle fibres and cause a muscular contraction. The Winks Greene Transeva machine generates rhythmic electrical impulses to move muscle fibers in the same way, allowing the practitioner to manipulate and correct the muscle contractibility and elasticity.

Treatment assists in optimizing the ability of the performance horse. By releasing compensatory tension in certain muscles due to incorrect movement or muscle function as well as aiding in strengthening of weaker muscles, the chain of muscles working to move the horse can do so optimally, therefore maximizing performance.

Performance issues

Horses who don't engage behind, struggle to change legs in the canter, struggle to leg yield to a certain side, buck, continually knock jumps etc - often can be linked to incorrect muscle function.


The treatment improves the healing process of injuries such as muscle strains, tendon or ligament injuries (by realigning tendon fibers-resulting in a better heal) , nerve related issues, hematomas, swelling, muscle stress due to painful conditions like arthritis.

Treatment Plans

A single session to make your horse feel great- releasing any restriction/stiffness and activating weaker muscles

Consistent treatments allow us to focus on strengthening weak muscles, correcting the function of muscle chains and solving performance issues.
Change takes time and effort

Single treatment

35 min - 1 hour

R550 / horse

Travel included up to 40km


I recommend a monthly treatment to keep your horse happy and performing its best

Our horses are athletes, they get stiff like you, a monthly treatment keeps larger muscle issues from forming.

BOOK A TREATMENT I will contact you to arrange a time